Tuesday, September 18, 2012


The word illuminati means "1."

The name refers to Bavarian Illuminati, an Enlightment-era society founded on May 1, 1776 in Ingolstadt. The "secret" of the illuminati was their own moral system of authority.

The Illuminati originated from Bavaria, Germany and today they are a group from the thirteen-bloodlines that still claim to possess a special knowledge. They are enlightened by the knowledge that they possess. The Illumiinati is a secrect organization who have private meetings at places all accross the world. At these meetings, they discuss regards to controlling world events and the people of the world.

The members of the Illuminati  continue to setup the council on foreign relations, the Bilderberg groups and also for the Tri-Laterial commissions. The 3 groups meet up to discuss how they are going to control the world's population. The Illuminati also consists of international bankers, leaders of the energy cartel, leading government officials & the media monopoly owners. Most people aren't even aware of the Illuminati, who they are, and what they do.

The Freemasons, Skull and Bones, & Knights Templar are all a part of the Illuminati. They are all trying to form a one world government in which they intend on maintaining control of the entire world. This will also include a one world currency, control of all land (property in general), our resources, the FDA, and all of the people who exist. The Illuminati is also resonsible for the political parties in which they continuously manipulate. They are in control of the illegal drug trading that has been going for many years now. This is just another way for the Illuminati to control people and make money at the same time.

Members you may know:
George W. Bush                     Jim Carey               Hitler
George H. Bush                      Bill Gates               Jay-Z
Bill & Hillary Clinton             Rhianna
Ronald Regan                          Beyonce
Richard Nixon                         David Bowie

Adam Weishaupt was the founder.

Web-sites used: